The Stories

Ever since I was a young boy, I’ve been confronted with the fact that I have a privileged position in this life.    During my adolescence, I struggled with this privilege because I felt like a failure like I wasn’t living up to what I could be, and I wasn’t…

Clean Your Room

I am not a body. I am spirit of eternal Love. I am one with the Universe. I am One with all Life. This body is simply a vehicle to be a demonstration of this. Fitness is simply a tool that helps keep this vehicle in good health. One Love.

One Love

When I was in college a few years ago I would find it extremely difficult to fall asleep due to the constant racing thoughts. There were two ways to fix this, by taking a sleep aid or by walking around campus until I exhausted my body and my mind. The…

Night Thoughts

When I was young my mother walked out on my family. Leaving my younger sister and I in the hands of an alcoholic father that was verbally abusive. Growing up in this environment made me feel angry all the time.  I was rough while playing on the playground with other…

Growing up angry

My whole life I’ve been battling with the extinction of my own identity. Constantly seeking approval from others and searching for self-worth in the shadows. I catch myself looking for answers in all the wrong places. Whether it be being a good boyfriend in a relationship, a good employee in…

The Strong Bleed In Silence

Inspiring Dreams To Become A Reality My Journey started back in February 2017. I started 258lbs at 38.4% body fat, barely any muscle, overweight, insecure, and very shy. My name is Asher Gomez and on April 7th 2018 my dream became a reality. I challenged myself to step on stage…

Inspiring Dreams To Become A Reality