The battle with myself, a fitness journey and back to square one. 1

I lift and exercise primarily for health reasons. I recently started playing basketball and lifting again regularly after not playing or exercising for several years.

I’ve struggled with my weight at multiple points in my life and currently am working at overcoming this hurdle once again.

When I was young I was lean, but by middle school through my freshman year of college I was too heavy to be considered healthy.

I made it a habit to lift weights, play basketball and eat well at the end of my freshman year in college and got in the best shape of my life. After being considered morbidly Obese I weighed 400lbs at my heaviest and was able to get to 180 lbs in about 2 1/2 years of consistent exercise and eating well.

Admittedly, I have regressed and am working on the same issue once again. I’m battling for a healthier life for my family and I.

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