Nothing To Prove; Nothing To Lose 2

At only 21, the phrase “my entire life” does not encompass as much as many others who came before me. That being said, through my childhood, into early adulthood, I was in constant competition. Competition is healthy… to an extent. I was always athletic and played sports, but my daily competition wasn’t on a field, a court or a diamond. I was competing with myself in all that I did. My thoughts were always flooded with feelings of insufficiency and fear of being less than enough. This spurred from events in my childhood that were far beyond my control, but affected me every day for years to come.

I walked around and had to be the best at everything I did. Unlike my other high-achieving friends, it wasn’t to please my parents. It wasn’t because I wanted to get into Harvard. It wasn’t because I knew sports was my “ticket out”. And academics and athletics were far from my “only hope”. I felt like I had to prove that I was so different from ghosts of my past. I was trying to run from the demons that haunted me. Fast enough that I would break every record known to man.

It wasn’t until I grew into myself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually that I understood my true motivation. I channeled my pain and negative energy into a burning desire to be the best for the people I loved. I no longer have thought to the people that have no thought to me. I stopped feeding demons and stopped believing in ghosts. This translates to my desire to sculpt the physique I have now and the physique I will constantly improve for years, decades to come. As a Fitness Consultant by trade, my job is to help others and inspire them to begin, continue and accelerate their fitness journeys. My journey of my own is supplemented by the very stories I get to hear on a daily basis. I promise you, behind every build, and before every journey, lies a story.
My story is one of mental metamorphosis. I have eradicated and work to continue to rid myself of incoming negative energy, in exchange for focusing on all of the positive influences and pieces of my life. The positivity is what keeps me going.

I sleep well and attack every day the same. I have nothing to prove.

I strive for greatness and achieving more than what is thought of as “feasible” or in some cases even “possible”. I have nothing to lose.

– Everyone Has A Story
– Connect With Jay Jay

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