Not All Battles Endured Leave Visible Scars 1

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always sought after this obtainment of self-sufficiency. A form of myself that wasn’t so affected by the challenges of life…

Growing up as a little one I had always had this lurking fear that seemed to follow me everywhere. This anxiety dictated my every move. And more times then not it allowed for no move at all. My world, my life, was beginning to get smaller each day. And in 2013, during my final year at university, this anxiety peaked.

I couldn’t leave the house, yet alone my room; I stopped eating and started contemplating on whether or not life was really worth living. I was having non-stop panic attacks from the moment I woke up until I went to bed. This went on for months on end and I quickly realized that life without hope is never a place where you want to find yourself. But during this pivotal stage in life, my ingrained structure of training, my routine, seemed to be the only thing strong enough to get me out of the house, It’s honestly one of the reasons why I’m still here.

We all have our own reasons as to why we do the things we do… and it just so happens to be that my training, accompanied with the isolation of the sport, has served as a constant reminder that I am sufficient to operate in this life.

I recently stumbled upon a book by Victor Frankl called Man’s Search For Meaning that really hit home when I read this line: “Every man is confronted with fate with a chance of achieving something through his own suffering”.

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