Clean Your Room 1

Ever since I was a young boy, I’ve been confronted with the fact that I have a privileged position in this life. 


During my adolescence, I struggled with this privilege because I felt like a failure like I wasn’t living up to what I could be, and I wasn’t as successful as I “should” be. 


I always compared myself to others, kids who got better grades or were better at music, or sports than I was. 


As I have gotten older I still face the same question of how to live my best life knowing that I have opportunities that maybe not every individual has.


I have come to realize that I must first, build myself up to be the best I can be before I try to lift others. I must love and have compassion for myself, and get my own life in order so I can have the opportunity to help my family, friends, and even one day the community. 


There is a quote that I like  “If you can’t even clean up your own room, who the hell are you to give advice to the world?”


I must clean my room, it applies to my mind, body, and spirit. It applies to my career, my hobbies, my relationships, my education, and my willingness to lend a hand to those in need. It applies to how I present myself to the world, try new things, meet new people, face my fears, and make my family proud. 


Going to the gym is a part of this but make no mistake, this journey goes far beyond anything that can be accomplished in a room with dumbbells.


It comes from your soul and your willingness to look closely where you least want to look but know you MUST!

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